Where Your Legal Matters Matter

Experienced DUI/DWI Defense And MVA Hearings Attorney

Your driving record is worth defending when you’re facing possible consequences like the loss of your license, fines and increases in your insurance premiums. In addition to traffic ticket defense, it is worth your while to get all the help you can to vigorously defend against drunk driving charges, including DWI and DUI. At Law Offices of P.A. Hotchkiss & Associates, our criminal defense team is focused on protecting your rights and minimizing the consequences of a traffic violation or a drinking and driving arrest.

Drunk Driving And DUI/DWI Defense

If you have been charged with drunk driving, you have two problems: the criminal charge itself and your endangered driving privilege. Our two-tiered strategy will take on the criminal charge against you and defend your driver’s license at your Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) hearing. Our experienced attorneys will work to defeat your underlying charges while protecting your liberty and record with a focus on eliminating possible jail time, fines and other penalties associated with a conviction. We will present you in the best possible light as we zealously work to defeat your charges.

Traffic Ticket And Moving Violations Defense

If your traffic violations are stacking up, we will work to minimize the charges and the cumulative damage they do to your record. Too many moving violation tickets can result in loss of license and cause a damaging increase in auto insurance rates. Our firm will work to defeat your traffic charges while minimizing the long-term consequences of a conviction.

We are experienced in the defense of:

  • Speeding tickets
  • Moving violations
  • Hit-and-run charges
  • Reckless driving
  • Driving on a suspended or revoked license

Experienced Advocacy And Support You Need To Protect Your Rights

Many individuals charged with driving offenses, including DUI or DWI, have a history of drug or alcohol abuse. We will help you get the personal alcohol or drug counseling you need, both to bolster your case and to regain control of your life. Together, we will show the court that you are trying to improve yourself with lessons already learned. Our attorneys are committed to helping protect your rights and working to get your life back on track.

For more information, please call 301-932-7700 to arrange a free consultation with a lawyer at our Waldorf office. Credit cards accepted.